Change Your Universe With The Power Of Thoughts!


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Mind power is one of the strongest and most useful powers you possess.

This power consists of your thoughts.

The thoughts that pass through your mind are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Your predominant thoughts influence your behavior and attitude and control your actions and reactions. As your thoughts are, so is your life.

Gain The Proper Perspective

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When you gain a proper perspective of God, yourself, and the world in which you live, there is then no limit to what can happen as God works in you and through you to impact your world. And, you will be able to serve God with greater enthusiasm and freedom. Who wouldn’t want that?! Is your perspective ready for a reboot? Start here.

Sometimes we take things for granted in life;we live in the status quo, with the expectatio of a certain standard of living, or that people around us will be there for us in our times of need and so on. But, oftentimes, it’s the things that we take for granted, which were once not a part of our lives, that we need to appreciate and be gratful for if we want to succeed. There are hundreds of millions of people living in complete squalor with no hope for the future, so be sure to have gratitude for whatever it is that you do have, no matter how meek it might seem.

Be careful of what you think

Thoughts are like a video that plays on the screen of your mind. What you play there, determines the kind of life you live and the experiences you meet. To make changes in your life, you have to play a different video, one that you like more.

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The Power of Thoughts Is a Creative Power

You can train and strengthen this power. You can use it to make changes in your life, and also to influence other people’s minds.

If you plant seeds, water them, and give them fertilizers, they will grow into healthy and strong plants.

Thoughts, like seeds, have a natural tendency to grow and manifest in your life, if you feed them with attention, interest and enthusiasm.

Your thoughts pass from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind, which in turn, influences your actions in accordance with these thoughts. Your thoughts also pass to other minds, and consequently, people who are in a position to help you, might offer you their help, sometimes, without even knowing why.

This might some strange and unbelievable. You don’t have to accept these words, but if you analyze the kind of thoughts you think, and the kind of life you live, you will discover interesting things about the mind.

The power of your mind is part of the creative power of the Universe, which means that your thoughts work together with it. You are a manifestation of the Universal mind.

When you repeat the same thought over and again, in one way or another, this mighty power helps you make your thoughts come true.

Using the power of thoughts effectively, is an act of “practical daydreaming”.

How to Use the Power of Your Thoughts?

  • Visualize a perfect scene of whatever you want to accomplish.
  • Put a lot of detail, color, sound, scent and life into these mental scenes.
  • Repeat your visualization often, with faith and attention, and your subconscious will accept these mental scenes as real experiences. The subconscious mind does not distinguish between real and imaginary experiences, and accepts both as real. It will start making changes and attracting opportunities, to make your reality match the images in your subconscious mind.

Actions, situations, and objects that you visualize frequently, eventually, manifest on the material plane in a natural way. This manifestation does not happen overnight. It needs time, and depends on how ambitious and sincere you are, and how much time and attention you put into this action.

You can use this process to change negative habits and build new, positive habits or skills. You can also use it for attracting money and possessions, for promotion at work, for building a business, improving health and relationships, changing circumstances, and for practically almost everything.

Pay attention to the thoughts you think. Do your best to reject negative thoughts, and to allow into your mind only thoughts that bring good, happy, and positive results.

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Think of yourself as a computer. The windows you browse (your consciousness), the websites you visit, what you tweet, post on Facebook or Instagram and the kind of content you consume informs your thoughts, opinions and perceptions and guide your understanding of the world. But the impressions do not stop happening once you close the tabs and switch off your browser. The programs installed in the machine continue running and it is they which ensure the efficiency of the machine.

The good news here is that you can choose to install what programs you like and remove the ones that are weighing you down and affecting you negatively. The earlier belief was that life is mostly predetermined for us because our temperament, attitude and outlook is influenced by our genetic and molecular makeup- a gift inherited from our parents and the gene pool they come from. It is these factors which influence our thoughts, perceptions and behaviours and ultimately our actions.

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But a slew of new research shows that the truth is entirely opposite. Our thoughts, perceptions and judgements directly affect our biology. So the more self-critical and judgemental you are, the more your subconscious will work to convince you of your worthlessness. But if you make a habit of surrounding yourself with positive reminders and vibes, then the same thoughts will direct your actions towards goal orienting behaviour. Though you can’t control how your subconscious directs your actions and perceptions, you can choose what to feed it.

Cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, a leading authority in this field, has this to say: “Your mind will adjust the body’s biology and behaviour to fit with your beliefs. If you’ve been told you’ll die in six months and your mind believes it, you most likely will die in six months. That’s called the nocebo effect, the result of a negative thought, which is the opposite of the placebo effect, where healing is mediated by a positive thought.”

In fact the power of thoughts are allegedly so powerful that they not only affect ourselves but, when harnessed collectively, can change the outcomes of society as a whole. This phenomenon is termed the Maharishi Effect. First published in a paper in 1976, it was reported that when 1% of a community practiced the transcendental meditation program, the crime rate was reduced by 16% on average. In 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founding father of this movement, predicted that one percent of a population practicing transcendental meditation technique would produce measurable improvements in the quality of life for the whole population.

Though not without its share of skeptics and critics (who raise fair points), the Maharishi effect has nevertheless been studied under rigorous scientific methodology and has, for decades now, yielded stunning results which defy human logic.

Dr. Lipton believes that gene activity changes on a daily basis, that the perception of the mind is reflected in the chemistry of the body. Twenty first century science finally proves what Buddhist philosophers and ancient statesmen knew all along- that an individual’s full potential can only be realised when there is complete harmony between the soul and the body.

Sheldon says, “You are a living, perceiving, knowing being who is in a body. As an infinite being, there are two things that will determine your fate- choice and awareness.”

She goes on to state that choice will always overrule. That we have to choose something really powerfully. Then realize all the things that have come up that stand in the way of us carrying out that choice. “Then all you have to do is just clear those blocks one by one in your subconscious.”

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Our thoughts affect our reality. If you want to change your reality, you know now where to begin.



Published by GhajiHT

NEVER let anyone steal your own PATRONUS;SHINE ON.

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